Post-Performance Structure Outline


  • Opening Chant: Mobilizing Anger Collective (MAC) Chant: I see you, I feel you, I hear you….
  • Small breakout groups (3-6 groups pending size) in the auditorium to be facilitated by ourselves and possibly other individuals involved with Every 28
    • Each group responds to a series of guided questions
    • Each group consists of the following roles: a recorder, live tweeter, group facilitator (us/Every 28MU staff), and reporter
  • Large group dialogue (facilitated by us) to share each small group dialogue chat, and/or discuss other questions, concerns, reactions, desires and actions (to address issues in the show).
  • Close out: MAC chant or Assata Shakur quote “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”


 Post-Performance Dialogue Guide Questions


Initial reactions

Open the floor to initial and quick reactions, allow for individuals to share one word responses to the first question. Taking in each of these responses, and parsing out a theme, move your group into the second question allowing for a deeper conversation to build and dialogue between groups and yourself

  • Choose one of the following prompts to begin:
    • Name a moment that stood out to you
    • Offer up a one-word reaction 

Then move into the questions below to continue this part of the dialogue.

  • After having watched Every 28 Hours, what images, words or feelings are currently bubbling up for you?
  • What from the plays resonated with you, why?


 Process Orientation

Begin here with soliciting any questions which your group might have in general about the play, guide your group to focus in on the substance of the work, not logistics (e.g., how long did the production take, why did the director/actor decide to do “x” actions). In opening the floor for discussion and their questions try and move your group through the following questions and areas, weaving in our focused ideas and questions alongside their interests.

Identifying intent/argument of Every 28

  • What is the significance of the number 28, and the countdown which happens throughout the play?
  • How does the play illustrate the interplay of race, police brutality, power/privilege and #BlackLivesMatter Movement in our society?  

Complexity of the Issue(s)

  • How does Every 28 help us to understand the state sanctioned, extralegal, vigilante violence that Black people experience in the US as historically based/relevant as well as systemically produced?

Relevance to Miami:

  • In what ways is Every 28, pertinent to Miami, our surrounding community and our home communities or communities of affinity?



Wrapping Up (for Small Groups)

Move your group to begin to synthesize their discussion. Think through and about next steps, always asking your group to respond to the questions below by thinking about how to do so individually, collectively as a campus and as a society.

  • What are the takeaways from Every 28?
  • How do we provide opportunities individually and as a society which might diminish issues of racism, police brutality?
  • How can we show a commitment individually and as a society which increase the life chances and life possibilities of Black people in particular?


Wrapping Up (Collectively)

We will focus on:

  • How can we show a commitment individually and as a society which increase the life chances and life possibilities of Black people in particular?