Author Guidelines

Theatre Topics is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE).Topics is committed to publishing original scholarship written in accessible, well-defined language addressing a wide range of subjects, with an emphasis on articles that reflect the intersection of theory and practice. The journal is published three times a year (March, July, and November). Topics’ readership includes theatre educators, practitioners, and scholars. Subjects of interest include theatre practice (acting, design, directing, dramaturgy, playwriting, etc.), theatre pedagogy, advocacy, and applied theatre.

Theatre Topics accepts submissions in the following four formats:

Peer-reviewed article. A double-spaced MS Word file 4,000–6,000 words in length should be sent as an attached MS Word file. In order to facilitate double blind peer-review, a separate file should contain a title page with author’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and institutional affiliation. Only the article title should appear at the head of the article file. The author’s name and/or institution should not appear in the article file itself. Please submit articles using MLA formatting.

Note from the Field. Notes from the Field are brief works of fewer than 4,000 words. These projects should articulate relevant and meaningful perspectives on subjects of current interest in theatre, the performing arts, and / or pedagogical activity. The editors value work that invites readers to consider making or teaching theatre in the present moment in addition to strategies for assessing a specific theatre practice or pedagogy. Notes can be creative in nature and focus on direct, personal experiences. The editorial staff is particularly interested in Notes that expand beyond the personal essay to include interviews, dialogic formats, and manifestos. We also consider discussions of classroom exercises, resource lists, syllabi, and other hands-on tools or guides to practice and pedagogy. Unlike peer-reviewed articles, the author need not include a detailed theoretical frame; however, Notes must have a clear argument that is supported by evidence. Notes will not be sent through the double-blind peer-review process but will be evaluated by the editorial staff. Please submit Notes using MLA formatting.

Online articles. Online submissions are usually between 1000 and 4000 words on subjects related to a special issue or on a topic that would benefit from being presented alongside audiovisual material. Please note that we can embed videos and images only if the author can clear all copyright permissions through direct contact with copyright holders. Unlike peer-reviewed articles, the author need not include a detailed theoretical frame; however, Online articles must have a clear argument that is supported by evidence and bibliographic references. Online articles will not be sent through the double-blind peer-review process but will be evaluated by the editorial staff. Please submit Online articles using MLA formatting. Innovative formats that play with digital technology and the internet medium are encouraged, such as: blog/vlog posts, video essays, video interviews or conversations, video playlists, video documentaries, teaching resource videos, interactive or augmented videos, photo essays, podcasts, and any other multimedia resource on aspects of practice or teaching. Additionally, regular text-based ’Notes from the Field’, 'Big Interviews' with practitioners and ‘My 10 Top Tips' are welcome. ’Notes from the Field’ are 3,000-4,000-word accounts of any aspect of teaching or theatre-making. ‘Big Interviews’ are conversations with key practitioners, accompanied by images and/or videos, totalling 2,000-3,000 words. ‘My 10 Top Tips’ are short, blog-like contributions to the field which offer advice on any relevant matter, and do not generally exceed 1,500 words. If you would like to discuss an idea for an online article, please contact the Online Editor, Trevor Boffone, 

Book Reviews. The journal publishes reviews of works relevant to theatre pedagogy and praxis. Interested reviewers for Topics should send a resume and a letter indicating areas of expertise to the Book Review Editor, Nathan Bowman, Also, please consult the Theatre Journal Books Received list for an ongoing list of books we wish to have reviewed.  These appear twice annually in issues of Theatre Journal. Commissioned authors will be provided more detailed guidelines.  

To submit an essay for consideration in Theatre Topicsgo to and click on “Create Account” on the upper left-hand side of the screen. Fill in your details, create a UserID and password, and you’re good to go! Once your account is made, you can begin to submit a manuscript by using the “Author” tab to go to your dashboard and click on “Start New Submission.”

Before submitting, all authors are encouraged to look at previous issues of Theatre Topics to make sure that their work fits the scope and style of the journal. All submissions should conform to the requirements of the MLA Handbook. A “Works Cited” format is used. Illustrations, when available, are encouraged. All images must be sent as separate .jpeg or .tiff files. Images must not be embedded within the text. Once articles have been acknowledged, response time averages 4–5 months. Simultaneous submissions are not accepted.

Submissions must be the original scholarship and the sole work of the author(s); work created with the use of generative AI is not accepted.