New Online Editor: Margherita Laera

Theatre Journal and Theatre Topics jointly welcome Margherita Laera as new Online Editor. Margherita is a Senior Lecturer in Drama and Theatre at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. She has published widely on Italian theatre, theatre criticism, theatre translation and adaptation in edited collections and scholarly journals, such as Contemporary Theatre ReviewModern Drama and Performance Research. She is the author of the forthcoming book Theatre & Translation (Palgrave, 2019) and of Reaching Athens: Community, Democracy and Other Mythologies in Adaptations of Greek Tragedy (Peter Lang, 2013), and the editor of Theatre and Adaptation: Return, Rewrite, Repeat (Bloomsbury, 2014). In 2018, her project ‘Translation, Adaptation, Otherness’ was the recipient of the UK's Theatre and Performance Research Association’s Early Career Research Prize. She also works as a freelance journalist writing about theatre and culture for Italian publications, such as D – La Repubblica, and the theatre magazine Hystrio. Her theatre translations from English and French to Italian have been published by Ubulibri and performed, amongst others, at Milan’s Piccolo Teatro.